Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Start of week 2

Shed No. 1 has re-emerged after much shoveling..

 the 4-cow byre
 & compost heap

the street [though it won't look like this for much longer...]

front door key

 coats left behind

 the dresser

Monday, 24 March 2014

Le weekend chez CnocnanEan

We cleared out the kitchen, rescued a basket of crockery, put in a temporary window and most importantly, installed and lit the stove.

lighting the stove


by the stove

kitchen window

  putting in the temporary window to keep out the draft

 basket of crockery wrapped up to take home and wash
and an old nest from the kitchen -kindling for the stove

locking up

better boots on at the top of the lane

Friday, 21 March 2014

Day 2

Johnny and Daddy Hamill tackled the front room yesterday afternoon and cleared it out -  the floor has re-emerged!

 Daddy Hamill ins an teach

the aforementioned 'keys'

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Day 1

No keys for our new house - just a length of blue baler twine to unhitch on the gate ...

 Izzy on the job

 The front door - and floor!

plant relocation..

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Proud new Home Owners!

We are now officially proud new home owners!! Johnny is off to Cnocnanean in Izzy loaded up with shovel, grape (i.e. Tyrone-speak for a garden fork..), wheelbarrow, pots of flowers, rhubarb and a bucket of chives (and a gas stove, coffee pot, mugs...).

provisions [in an empty Champagne box of course]

House No. in waiting on a lovely piece of elm..